We are thrilled to report that Ipswich hospital are included in the first wave of piloting the National Bereavement Care Pathway that is due to be launched nationally by October 2018.

Pregnancy and baby loss affects thousands of families each year across the UK and it is vital to offer bereavement care and support to anyone who has lost a child or pregnancy.

However, the care offered to parents in hospital is worryingly inconsistent. It can depend on where parents live, at what stage of pregnancy or birth the loss occurs, and whether individual healthcare professionals know how to respond.

Currently, fewer than half (46%) of maternity units in the UK provide mandatory bereavement care training, while one in three Health Trusts and Boards have no dedicated bereavement rooms in each maternity unit they cover. And in neonatal units, 41% of services have no access to a trained mental health worker.

The National Bereavement Care pathway calls for:

  1. All UK hospitals to be required to offer excellent bereavement care to parents.
  2. A member of staff appointed to lead on bereavement care in every hospital department where pregnancy loss and baby death occurs.
  3. Bereavement rooms to be available and accessible in all hospitals.
  4. All health and social care professionals to receive the highest standard of bereavement care training.

For further information please visit this link: https://www.sands.org.uk/about-sands/media-centre/blog/2017/10/national-bereavement-care-pathway-nbcp-now-live

*Photo is of the representatives of the 11 organisations taking part in the pilot at the launch of the National Bereavement Care Pathway #NBCP

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