Pro Celeb Match & Beatboxx After Party – Huge Success!

Our Pro Celeb Charity Football Match was held at Woodbridge Town Football Club on Saturday 30 July. Team Jude included ex pros Titus Bramble, Michael Duberry, Ruel Fox & Tesfae Bramble. Our Patron DJ Spoony also joined Team Jude and Peter Brady captained the team. Members of the public paid to play alongside them and […]

A massive thank you to our fantastic supporters Proveeda! During the month of December they ran a campaign pledging to donate £100 for every car sold to show their support for our patron Kieron Dyer being in the jungle. This campaign was very successful , 17 cars were sold and they will therefore be kindly […]
Gotelee Solicitors

We would like to say a massive thank you to Gotelee Solicitors for kindly raising £97.70 by holding a dress down day to raise funds for us! This is such a simple, yet effective way to fundraise. Please get in contact if you would like to organise something similar – thank you!
Pub Quizzes At The Woolpack

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Woolpack in Ipswich for letting us host pub quiz evenings to help us raise funds. We held our first one on the 8th of November and raised £167. This event was a sellout with 9 teams taking part. Here were the scores: 1. Absolute […]