Ipswich are included in the first wave of launching the National Bereavement Care Pathway!

We are thrilled to report that Ipswich hospital are included in the first wave of piloting the National Bereavement Care Pathway that is due to be launched nationally by October 2018. Pregnancy and baby loss affects thousands of families each year across the UK and it is vital to offer bereavement care and support to […]
Come & join us at Ipswich Boxing Night on 24 November – Limited tickets left!

We are delighted that Patrick’s Gym and Ipswich Boxing Club have linked up with us and chosen us as their charity to donate the funds raised via their raffle. The event is being held at the Copdock Hotel in Ipswich on Friday 24 November. Doors open at 6.30 pm with boxing commencing at 8 pm. […]
PT Jack Cardy & his client are running the Barcelona Marathon in aid of the Jude Brady Foundation!

We are delighted to report our fabulous supporter and Personal Trainer, Jack Cardy of JC Personal Training is running the Barcelona Marathon with his client Andrea and they have chosen to raise funds for us! We are excited at this amazing news and wish both Jack and Andrea all the very best! We look forward to […]
Christmas Shopping Night at Greshams raised over £500

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the stallholders who took part in this event and everyone who attended. You all helped us to raise just over £530 at this event! This was our third year of holding a Christmas shopping event at Greshams and it is lovely to see how the event […]
Baby Loss Awareness Week Update

We just wanted to take a minute to update all our supporters of the highlights of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2017. This year we worked together with 40 other charities, led by SANDS to raise awareness. Baby Loss awareness week has always ran from the 9th – the 15th of October every year but it […]
Who Won the Jude Brady Charity Shield in our Pro Celeb Football Match?!

Our Pro Celeb Charity Football Match was held at Woodbridge Town Football Club on Sunday the 8th of October. Team Jude included ex pros Kieron Dyer, Titus Bramble, Ruel Fox & Tesfaye Bramble. Phil Ham from TWTD joined Team Jude along with actor Adam Oakley and Singer/Songwriter Jack Rose. Members of the public paid to play alongside […]
Join us for the Global Wave of Light

Baby Loss Awareness Week finishes each year on October 15thwith the global ‘Wave of Light’. October 15th is also International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day and is recognised across the world. We would like to invite you to join with other families across the world and take part in the global ‘Wave of Light’. […]
Charities call for end to postcode lottery of care for bereaved parents

We are proud to be part of a coalition of more than 40 charities working together this Baby Loss Awareness Week to prevent baby deaths and pregnancy loss urging an end to the postcode lottery in bereavement care for parents. Pregnancy and baby loss affects thousands of families each year across the UK and it is […]
Get Involved with Baby Loss Awareness Week

Baby Loss Awareness Week takes place from 9 to 15 October every year. We are are one of 40 charities in the UK working together with SANDS to promote and support Babyloss Awareness. Baby Loss Awareness Week is an opportunity: for bereaved parents, and their families and friends, to unite with others across the world to […]
Charity Beatboxx Night goes down a storm raising money through Music!

Our third charity BEATBOXX night at Aqua Eight on Saturday 30 September was another huge success! Aqua Eight in Ipswich hosted the third charity Beatboxx night orgnaised by Tesjay Promotions and the Jude Brady Foundation in their continued efforts to raise awareness and funds for the stillbirth charity through music. Special Guests MC Bushkin (Heartless […]
Woolpack Quiz Success

We would like to say a big thank you to the Woolpack, Ipswich & to everyone who took part in the quiz on Sunday night for helping us to raise £161! We held our last quiz night of the year at the Woolpack on Sunday night. We had a fantastic night with 8 teams that took […]
Father & Son raised a whopping £1030 in the Glasgow 10k Run!

An old school friend of Peter, Martin Grant, and his son Matthew, took part in the Glasgow 10k on the 18th of June and decided to raise funds for us! Here is a quote from Martin: “We’ve decided to test ourselves in running the Glasgow 10k on Sunday 18th June for my old school friend’s charity the […]
Working with Ipswich Hospital to reduce stillbirth

We are delighted to report that we and Ipswich Hospital have just launched an exciting project with the aim of reducing stillbirth. All Mums-to-be receiving care at Ipswich Hospital are being given vital information to help them protect their unborn babies on a handy wallet to carry throughout pregnancy. The specially-designed and eye-catching wallets include advice about […]
Jude Brady Memorial Golf Day & Shining Star Ball raised £16,460!

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended our Jude Brady Memorial Golf Day at Ipswich Golf Club and our Shining Star Masquerade Ball at the Hangar Kesgrave Hall, Milsoms on Friday 30 June 2017! You helped us to raise just over £16,460! We couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you […]
Delighted to welcome 2 New Trustees & Andrew Coltart as a Patron!

Delighted to welcome 2 New Trustees & Andy Coltart as a Patron! We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have recently appointed 2 new Trustees, Gareth Evans and Barry Parker. Both have been great supporters of the charity for some time and it is fantastic to have them on board as Trustees – thank you & […]
Would you like to play golf alongside World Long Drive Champion Joe Miller?! Here’s how you can….

We have just ONE place left in Joe’s team at our Memorial Golf Day that is taking place at Ipswich Golf Club (Purdis Heath) on Friday 30 June. For this amazing opportunity to play alongside World Long Drive Champion Joe Miller please get in contact with nicola@judebradyfoundation.co.uk to purchase your raffle ticket! Don’t miss out […]
Darryn’s 3 Peak Challenge completed in under 24 hours!!

Darry Flynn a supporter of our charity, contacted us earlier this year to say that he was completing the 3 Peak Challenge and would like to raise funds for us. We of course were delighted and set up a Just Giving fundraising page for him which we have been circulating via social media. The […]
Another Fantastic Quiz Night at the Woolpack!

We would like to say a big thank you to the Woolpack Ipswich & to everyone who took part in the quiz on Sunday night for helping us to raise £185! We had a fantastic night with 9 teams that took part and had the most amount of tie breaks ever! It was so close! The […]
The Jude Brady Foundation Team Poppy Golf Day raises over £15k!

Towards the end of last year a friend and neighbour of Poppy and her family, Lynne Malcolm, contacted us. She informed us that not long after Poppy’s 6th birthday she very suddenly contracted Acute Flaccid Myelitis. This is a very rare condition and is a complication of a common virus and causes inflammation and damage […]
Our Race Night raised over £700!

We held our first ever race night on Friday the 3rd of March at Kesgrave Social Club and it was a huge success! We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that attended, a very special thank you to Barry Parker who not only hosted the event but made it all happen!, to Kesgrave […]
Sponsorship Opportunity

We are holding our Memorial Golf Day at Ipswich Golf club, Purdis Heath this year on 30 June prior to our ball that evening at Milsoms. We are excited to have World Long Drive Champion Joe Miller back this year giving a special Long Drive exhibition at 4.30 pm. Bookings for this event are being […]
Another successful Pub Quiz at the Woolpack!

We would like to say a big thank you to the Woolpack Ipswich & to everyone who took part in the quiz last night for helping us to raise £135! There was only half a point between our top 2 winning teams last night! Congratulations to our winning team Laughing Gravy with 88 points & […]
Meet baby SIB!

Cheryl Johnson, Co-founder & Chair of RMB (Remember my Baby) came to visit us on Friday & we got to meet baby SIB! Last year we approved a grant request to purchase 3 of these. The SIBs will be used at RMB training workshops around the UK to further educate its volunteer photographers in undertaking baby […]

You may recall that last year we pledged £1200 to purchase 3 StandinBabies (SIBS) to be used to train photographers for Remember My Baby. Full details can be found on our causes page. We are so pleased to report that the triplet SIBS have finally arrived and are now with Remember My Baby to be […]
Update On Kim You’ll Never Walk Alone

Thanks to the fabulous support Kim has received since fundraising began in November 2015, we are delighted to announce that Kim is now in the process of being fitted with a microprocessor everyday limb that will assist in her desire to walk as best she possibly can! Thank you so much to everyone that has […]
Christmas Shopping & Pamper Evening raised £500!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the stallholders who took part in this event and everyone who attended. You all helped us to raise just over £500 at this event! This was our second year of holding a Christmas shopping event at Greshams but this year we went big & […]
Attention all online shoppers! Help us to raise funds for FREE!

Did you know that if you register with Easy Fundraising when you shop online they will make a donation to us on your behalf? It won’t cost you a penny but every online shop you do could help us to raise funds! Please take a minute to visit this link & register and help out […]
Prepare for a Charitable Christmas – giving is FREE!

Do you have a Christmas party to organise? Did you know that if you make your booking through Charitable Bookings £1 per diner will be donated to charity? Want to support us? Simply choose our charity when you make our booking – visit using this link: https://charitablebookings.org/charity/jude-brady-foundation Such a simple way to give & it’s completely FREE! […]
Promote Your Business & Support Local Charity – Great Sponsorship & Advertisement Packages Available!

Are you looking to promote your business & support local charities? We have some fantastic sponsorship & advertising packages available for our Shining Star Masquerade Ball! Great event to sponsor & attend! Come & have a ball with us! Promote your business & give back to the community! We are looking for Sponsors for our […]
Join us for the Global Wave of Light 15 October at 7 pm

Baby Loss Awareness Week finishes each year on October 15 with the global ‘Wave of Light’. October 15 is also International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day and is recognised across the world and we would like to invite you to join with other families across the world and take part in the global ‘Wave […]